Freelancer Fund - Application Form
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The Welsh Government have launched the Freelancer Grant to help freelance professionals survive the economic consequences of coronavirus (Covid-19). This fund can grant one-off payments of £2,500 to support freelancers in the cultural/creative sectors facing financial challenges in the period from April 2020 - March 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

You are not eligible for this grant if:

This funding is specifically for creative/cultural subsectors and roles that have been forced to cease work and/or face difficultly restarting because of the impact of Covid restrictions. Those in roles that have been able to continue at previous or near previous levels of activity (e.g. architects, graphic designers, games designers etc.) with or without support should not apply.


SECTION 1 – Your Personal Details

First name*
Last name*
Contact telephone number*
E-mail address*
Do you consider yourself disabled?*
Do you consider yourself as:*
Do you consider yourself to be BME (Black & Minority Ethnic)?*
Are you a Welsh speaker?*